Date Author Title
2025-02-07Jan KoprivaSSL 2.0 turns 30 this Sunday... Perhaps the time has come to let it die?
2023-06-28Jan KoprivaKazakhstan - the world's last SSLv2 superpower... and a country with potentially vulnerable last-mile internet infrastructure
2023-06-01Jan KoprivaAfter 28 years, SSLv2 is still not gone from the internet... but we're getting there
2023-02-25Didier StevensCrypto Inside a Browser
2022-06-27Johannes UllrichEncrypted Client Hello: Anybody Using it Yet?
2021-09-28Jan KoprivaTLS 1.3 and SSL - the current state of affairs
2021-07-10Guy BruneauScanning for Microsoft Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol
2021-04-16Xavier MertensHTTPS Support for All Internal Services
2021-03-30Jan KoprivaOld TLS versions - gone, but not forgotten... well, not really "gone" either
2020-12-30Jan KoprivaTLS 1.3 is now supported by about 1 in every 5 HTTPS servers
2020-09-20Guy BruneauAnalysis of a Salesforce Phishing Emails
2020-05-15Rob VandenBrinkSHA3 Hashes (on Windows) - Where Art Thou?
2020-04-10Xavier MertensPowerShell Sample Extracting Payload From SSL
2020-03-15Guy BruneauVPN Access and Activity Monitoring
2019-12-13Jan KoprivaInternet banking sites and their use of TLS... and SSLv3... and SSLv2?!
2019-10-22Bojan ZdrnjaTesting TLSv1.3 and supported ciphers
2019-08-07Bojan ZdrnjaVerifying SSL/TLS configuration (part 2)
2019-07-23Bojan ZdrnjaVerifying SSL/TLS configuration (part 1)
2018-11-27Xavier MertensMore obfuscated shell scripts: Fake MacOS Flash update
2018-09-19Rob VandenBrinkCertificates Revisited - SSL VPN Certificates 2 Ways
2018-08-10Remco VerhoefHunting SSL/TLS clients using JA3
2018-01-22Didier StevensHTTPS on every port?
2017-12-03Xavier MertensStartSSL: Termination of Services is Now Scheduled
2017-03-08Richard PorterWhat is really being proxied?
2016-07-28Bojan ZdrnjaVerifying SSL/TLS certificates manually
2016-05-03Rick WannerOpenSSL Updates
2016-02-27Guy BruneauOpenSSL Security Update Planned for 1 March Release
2016-01-31Guy BruneauOpenSSL 1.0.2 Advisory and Update
2015-03-26Daniel WesemannPin-up on your Smartphone!
2015-03-17Didier StevensImproperly issued SSL certificate for domain "" could be used in attempts to spoof content.
2015-03-12Johannes UllrichWho got the bad SSL Certificate? Using tshark to analyze the SSL handshake.
2015-02-11Johannes UllrichDid PCI Just Kill E-Commerce By Saying SSL is Not Sufficient For Payment Info ? (spoiler: TLS!=SSL)
2015-02-01Rick WannerImproving SSL Warnings
2014-12-09Johannes UllrichPOODLE Strikes (Bites?) Again
2014-08-11Bojan ZdrnjaVerifying preferred SSL/TLS ciphers with Nmap
2014-08-06Chris MohanOpenSSL Security Advisories
2014-06-12Johannes UllrichMetasploit now includes module to exploit CVE-2014-0195 (OpenSSL DTLS Fragment Vuln.)
2014-06-05Johannes UllrichCritical OpenSSL Patch Available. Patch Now!
2014-06-05Johannes UllrichInternet Storm Center Briefing on OpenSSL Vulnerabilities today at 12pm ET (8am PT/4pm UTC)
2014-06-05Johannes UllrichMore Details Regarding CVE-2014-0195 (DTLS arbitrary code execution)
2014-06-05Johannes UllrichUpdated OpenSSL Patch Presentation
2014-04-26Guy BruneauNew Project by Linux Foundation - Core Infrastructure Initiative
2014-04-21Daniel WesemannOpenSSL Rampage
2014-04-21Daniel WesemannFinding the bleeders
2014-04-16Johannes UllrichNew Feature: Monitoring Certification Revocation Lists
2014-04-15Richard PorterVMWare Advisory VMSA-2014-0004 - Updates on OpenSSL HeartBleed
2014-04-14Kevin ShorttINFOCon Green: Heartbleed - on the mend
2014-04-11Johannes UllrichTonight OpenSSL Webcast #4: Client Side Issues / What to tell your kids & managers about it
2014-04-08Guy BruneauOpenSSL CVE-2014-0160 Fixed
2014-04-08Johannes Ullrich* Patch Now: OpenSSL "Heartbleed" Vulnerability
2014-02-25Alex StanfordApple releases OS X 10.9.2 patching SSL vulnerability and updates Safari
2014-02-24Russ McReeExplicit Trusted Proxy in HTTP/2.0 or...not so much
2014-01-02John Defaced by Attackers Gaining Access to Hypervisor
2013-12-29Russ McReeOpenSSL suffers apparent defacement
2013-12-11Johannes UllrichBrowser Fingerprinting via SSL Client Hello Messages
2013-10-09Johannes UllrichCSAM: SSL Request Logs
2013-09-09Johannes UllrichSSL is broken. So what?
2013-08-21Alex StanfordPsst. Your Browser Knows All Your Secrets.
2013-07-23Bojan ZdrnjaSessions with(out) cookies
2013-05-17Johannes UllrichSSL: Another reason not to ignore IPv6
2013-02-11John BambenekOpenSSL 1.0.1e Released with Corrected fix for CVE-2013-1069, more here:
2013-01-03Manuel Humberto Santander PelaezNew year and new CA compromised
2012-07-03Johannes blocklisted (by comodo itself)
2012-06-04Johannes UllrichMicrosoft Emergency Bulletin: Unauthorized Certificate used in "Flame"
2012-06-04Rob VandenBrinkBrowsers and SSL Security - a Race to the Bottom !
2012-05-31Johannes UllrichSCADA@Home: Your health is no secret no more!
2012-05-22Johannes Ullrichnmap 6 released
2012-05-21Johannes UllrichWe updated our SSL certificate. Also note that we are deprecating various old hostname ( and redirect now to please update your bookmarks.
2012-04-24Russ McReeOpenSSL reissues fix for ASN1 BIO vulnerability
2012-04-19Kevin ShorttOpenSSL Security Advisory - CVE-2012-2110
2012-03-20Johannes UllrichA Reminder: Private Key Security
2012-03-12Guy BruneauOpenSSL Security Update
2012-02-08Jim ClausingChrome to stop checking Certificate Revocation List (CRL)?
2012-01-05Russ McReeOpenSSL vulnerability fixes
2011-11-07Rob VandenBrinkStuff I Learned Scripting - Evaluating a Remote SSL Certificate
2011-10-26Rob VandenBrinkThe Theoretical "SSL Renegotiation" Issue gets a Whole Lot More Real !
2011-10-05Johannes UllrichAdobe SSL Certificate Problem (fixed)
2011-10-03Bojan ZdrnjaBeauty and the BEAST
2011-09-23Mark HofmanSSL/TLS Vulnerability Details to be Released Friday (Part 2)
2011-09-15Swa FrantzenDigiNotar looses their accreditation for qualified certificates
2011-09-13Swa FrantzenGlobalSign back in operation
2011-09-13Swa FrantzenMore DigiNotar intermediate certificates blocklisted at Microsoft
2011-09-07Lenny ZeltserGlobalSign Temporarily Stops Issuing Certificates to Investigate a Potential Breach
2011-09-06Johannes UllrichMicrosoft Releases Diginotar Related Patch and Advisory
2011-09-01Swa FrantzenDigiNotar breach - the story so far
2011-08-31Johannes UllrichFirefox/Thunderbird 6.0.1 released to blocklist bad DigiNotar SSL certificates
2011-08-30Johannes UllrichDigiNotar SSL Breach
2011-07-25Johannes UllrichiOS 4.3.5 released fixing an SSL certificate verification flaw.
2011-07-10Raul SilesSecurity Testing SSL/TLS (HTTPS) Implementations
2011-06-29Johannes UllrichRandom SSL Tips and Tricks
2011-03-23Johannes UllrichFirefox 3 Updates and SSL Blocklist extension
2011-03-23Johannes UllrichMicrosoft Advisory about fraudulent SSL Certificates
2011-03-23Johannes UllrichComodo RA Compromise
2010-11-16Guy Bruneau OpenSSL TLS Extension Parsing Race Condition
2010-07-24Manuel Humberto Santander PelaezTransmiting logon information unsecured in the network
2010-06-02Mark HofmanOpenSSL version 1.0.0a released. This fixes a number of security issues. Don't forget a number of commercial appliances will be using this, so look for vendor updates soon.
2010-04-25Raul SilesManual Verification of SSL/TLS Certificate Trust Chains using Openssl
2010-04-21Johannes SSL Certificate and URL extensions
2010-03-29Adrien de BeaupreOpenSSL V 1.0.0 released!
2010-02-26Rick WannerOpenSSL 0.9.8m released.
2010-02-10Marcus SachsVulnerability in TLS/SSL Could Allow Spoofing
2010-01-19Jim ClausingApple Security Update 2010-001
2009-12-01Chris CarboniClientless SSL VPN products break web browser domain-based security models
2009-11-13Adrien de BeaupreTLS & SSLv3 renegotiation vulnerability explained
2009-11-06Andre LudwigNew version of OpenSSL released - OpenSSL 0.9.8l
2009-11-05Swa FrantzenTLS Man-in-the-middle on renegotiation vulnerability made public
2009-10-28Johannes UllrichSniffing SSL: RFC 4366 and TLS Extensions
2009-10-12Mark HofmanSome interesting SSL SPAM
2009-01-08Kyle HaugsnessBIND OpenSSL follow-up
2008-12-30Johannes UllrichMD5 SSL Summary
2008-09-11David GoldsmithCookieMonster is coming to Pown (err, Town)
2008-07-29Kyle HaugsnessGoogle SSL cert expired for POP/IMAP users
2008-05-16Daniel WesemannINFOcon back to green
2008-05-15Bojan ZdrnjaDebian and Ubuntu users: fix your keys/certificates NOW
2008-05-15Bojan ZdrnjaINFOCon yellow: update your Debian generated keys/certs ASAP
2006-11-29Toby KohlenbergNew Vulnerability Announcement and patches from Apple