Date Author Title
2025-03-04Jim ClausingTool update:
2025-02-24Jim ClausingUnfurl v2025.02 released
2025-02-17Russ McReeModelScan - Protection Against Model Serialization Attacks
2025-01-18Jim ClausingNew tool:
2024-11-30Xavier MertensFrom a Regular Infostealer to its Obfuscated Version
2024-10-24Johannes UllrichDevelopment Features Enabled in Prodcution
2024-09-30Jim ClausingTool update: and
2024-06-15Didier StevensOverview of My Tools That Handle JSON Data
2024-03-24Jim ClausingTool updates: and
2023-10-05Jim ClausingNew tool:
2023-07-24Rob VandenBrinkJQ: Another Tool We Thought We Knew
2023-07-01Russ McReeSandfly Security
2023-03-25Guy BruneauMicrosoft Released an Update for Windows Snipping Tool Vulnerability
2023-03-22Didier StevensWindows 11 Snipping Tool Privacy Bug: Inspecting PNG Files
2023-01-02Xavier MertensNetworkMiner 2.8 Released
2022-10-18Xavier MertensPython Obfuscation for Dummies
2022-06-23Xavier MertensFLOSS 2.0 Has Been Released
2022-03-24Xavier MertensMalware Delivered Through Free Sharing Tool
2021-10-08Rob VandenBrinkSorting Things Out - Sorting Data by IP Address
2021-06-13Jim ClausingUpdate:
2021-04-22Xavier MertensHow Safe Are Your Docker Images?
2021-01-27Jan KoprivaTriOp - tool for gathering (not just) security-related data from (tool drop)
2020-08-25Xavier MertensKeep An Eye on LOLBins
2020-06-11Xavier MertensAnti-Debugging JavaScript Techniques
2020-03-13Rob VandenBrinkNot all Ethernet NICs are Created Equal - Trying to Capture Invalid Ethernet Frames
2020-02-27Xavier MertensOffensive Tools Are For Blue Teams Too
2019-10-29Xavier MertensGenerating PCAP Files from YAML
2019-05-10Xavier MertensDSSuite - A Docker Container with Didier's Tools
2018-11-17Xavier MertensQuickly Investigating Websites with Lookyloo
2018-11-11Pasquale StirparoCommunity contribution: joining forces or multiply solutions?
2018-10-10Xavier Mertens"OG" Tools Remain Valuable
2018-08-15Xavier MertensTruncating Payloads and Anonymizing PCAP files
2018-08-05Didier StevensVideo: Maldoc analysis with standard Linux tools
2018-07-30Xavier MertensExploiting the Power of Curl
2018-01-26Xavier MertensInvestigating Microsoft BITS Activity
2017-09-19Jim ClausingNew tool:
2017-05-26Lorna HutchesonFile2pcap - A new tool for your toolkit!
2017-04-19Xavier MertensHunting for Malicious Excel Sheets
2017-01-13Xavier MertensWho's Attacking Me?
2017-01-12Mark BaggettSome tools updates
2017-01-12Mark BaggettSystem Resource Utilization Monitor
2017-01-07Xavier MertensUsing Security Tools to Compromize a Network
2016-02-06Jim ClausingMore updates to kippo-log2db
2015-08-31Xavier MertensDetecting file changes on Microsoft systems with FCIV
2015-02-19Daniel WesemannMacros? Really?!
2015-02-07Jim ClausingUpdate to
2014-11-05Russ McReeTool Tip: vFeed
2014-09-14Jim ClausingSSDEEP update
2014-08-12Adrien de BeaupreHost discovery with nmap
2014-08-06Chris MohanFree Service to Help CryptoLocker Victims by FireEye and Fox-IT
2013-11-19Jim ClausingUpdated
2013-10-22Richard PorterGreenbone and OpenVAS Scanner
2013-09-02Guy BruneauSnort IDS Sensor with Sguil New ISO Released
2013-06-18Russ McReeEMET 4.0 is now available for download
2013-06-05Richard PorterWindows Sysinternals Updated
2013-05-11Lenny ZeltserExtracting Digital Signatures from Signed Malware
2013-02-03Lorna HutchesonIs it Really an Attack?
2012-12-03John BambenekJohn McAfee Exposes His Location in Photo About His Being on Run
2012-05-06Jim ClausingTool updates and Win 8
2011-08-25Kevin ShorttRevival of an Unpatched Apache HTTPD DoS
2011-08-22Jim ClausingAre your tools ready for IPv6? (part 2)
2011-08-04Jim ClausingAre your tools ready for IPv6? (part 1)
2010-12-30Rick WannerSamuraiWTF Review over at ISSA Toolsmith
2010-12-09Mark HofmanHaving a look at the DDOS tool used in the attacks today
2010-12-05Jim ClausingUpdates to a couple of Sysinternals tools
2010-10-20Jim ClausingTools updates - Oct 2010
2010-10-19Rob VandenBrinkCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 19 - Remote Access Tools
2010-10-19Rob VandenBrinkCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 19 - VPN and Remote Access Tools
2010-08-09Jim ClausingFree/inexpensive tools for monitoring systems/networks
2010-07-13Jim ClausingForensic challenge results
2010-05-28Jim ClausingWireshark SMB file extraction plug-in
2010-05-04Rick WannerSIFT review in the ISSA Toolsmith
2010-03-30Marcus SachsZigbee Analysis Tools
2010-03-30Pedro BuenoSharing the Tools
2010-01-19Jim ClausingForensic challenges
2010-01-06Johannes UllrichNew Tool: IPv6 conversions
2009-11-26Tony CarothersWhat Are You Thankful For?
2009-11-25Jim ClausingTool updates
2009-11-02Rob VandenBrinkMicrosoft releases v1.02 of Enhanced Mitigation Evaluation Toolkit (EMET)
2009-09-24Jim ClausingA couple more tools
2009-08-13Jim ClausingTools for extracting files from pcaps
2009-05-25Jim ClausingMore tools for (US) Memorial Day
2009-04-02Bojan ZdrnjaJavaScript insertion and log deletion attack tools
2009-03-01Jim ClausingCool combination of tools
2008-12-13Jim ClausingFollowup from last shift and some research to do.
2008-11-17Jim ClausingHow are you coming with that IPv6 migration?
2008-11-13Jim ClausingSome recently updated tools
2008-09-22Jim ClausingMore on tools/resources/blogs
2008-09-07Lorna HutchesonMalware Analysis: Tools are only so good
2008-07-11Jim ClausingUpdates to some of our favorite tools