Date Author Title
2025-02-26Jesse La Grew[Guest Diary] Malware Source Servers: The Threat of Attackers Using Ephemeral Ports as Service Ports to Upload Data
2024-04-25Jesse La GrewDoes it matter if iptables isn't running on my honeypot?
2022-10-31Rob VandenBrinkNMAP without NMAP - Port Testing and Scanning with PowerShell
2019-03-09Guy BruneauA Comparison Study of SSH Port Activity - TCP 22 & 2222
2018-12-16Guy BruneauRandom Port Scan for Open RDP Backdoor
2016-05-26Xavier MertensKeeping an Eye on Tor Traffic
2013-03-03Richard PorterUptick in MSSQL Activity
2011-01-24Rob VandenBrinkWhere have all the COM Ports Gone? - How enumerating COM ports led to me finding a “misplaced” Microsoft tool
2009-01-21Raul SilesTraffic increase for port UDP/8247
2008-05-26Marcus SachsPort 1533 on the Rise
2008-04-27Marcus SachsWhat's With Port 20329?
2008-04-10Deborah HaleDSLReports Being Attacked Again