Handler on Duty: Jan Kopriva
Threat Level: green
Date | Author | Title |
2021-06-07 | Johannes Ullrich | Amazon Sidewalk: Cutting Through the Hype |
2020-12-17 | Daniel Wesemann | "Amazon" invoice that asks to call 1-866-335-0659 "to cancel" an order that you never made is (obviously) a #scam |
2017-02-28 | Johannes Ullrich | My Catch Of 4 Months In The Amazon IP Address Space |
2017-02-28 | Xavier Mertens | Amazon S3 Outage |
2015-04-29 | Daniel Wesemann | UDP/3478 to Amazon -- got packets? (solved) |
2010-03-03 | Johannes Ullrich | Reports about large number of fake Amazon order confirmations |
2010-02-17 | Rob VandenBrink | Defining Clouds - " A Cloud by any Other Name Would be a Lot Less Confusing" |