Handler on Duty: Johannes Ullrich
Threat Level: green
Scott Fendley Diaries
- July 2023 Microsoft Patch Update
- Warranty Repairs and Non-Removable Storage Risks
- Apple May 2021 Security Updates
- Critical Vuln in vCenter vmdir (CVE-2020-3952)
- Oracle Critical Patch Update Release
- Gate to Fiesta exploit kit on
- VMWare ESX/ESXi Security Advisory
- Defending Against Web Server Denial of Service Attacks
- Apple Blocks Older Insecure Versions of Flash Player
- Evernote Security Issue
- Blocking SSH to Limit Security Exposures
- Oracle Releases Java Security Updates
- Apple iTunes Security Update
- Preying on Users After Major Security Incidents
- Apple Security Advisory 2012-001 v1.1
- Updated OpenDLP
- Google Chrome Updated
- Port 8909 Spike
- Cisco Security Advisory - Apache HTTPd DoS
- Firefox 3.6.20 Corrects Several Critical Vulnerabilities
- Phishing Scam Victim Response
- Oracle Patch Update Pre-Release Announcement
- New Versions of Wireshark released
- Oracle Critical Updates Released
- Cyber Security Awareness Month - Day 12 - Protecting and Managing Your Digital Identity On Social Media Sites
- Microsoft Non-Security Updates
- Opera Browser Update
- Mozilla Firefox Updates
- May 2010 Microsoft Patches
- Skipfish - Web Application Security Tool
- BitDefender 2010 Update Problem
- Firefox 3.6.2 to be released March 30
- New Nmap Beta Released
- McAfee Spam Report
- Cyber Security Awareness Month - Day 11 - RPCBind aka Portmapper
- phpMyAdmin Scans
- Situational Awareness: Spam Crisis and China
- Cisco IOS Exploitation Technique and Defense In Depth
- Check Fraud and Information Security
- Microsoft Snapshot Viewer Security Advisory
- So Where Are Those OpenSSH Key-based Attacks?
- Adobe Releases Security Updates
- Brute-force SSH Attacks on the Rise
- Light Weekend Readings
- Spot Checking Websites using Google Alerts
- Realplayer Vulnerability
- How Secure Is That Point-of-sale Device?
- Debuggers and Analyzing Malicious Software
- Updated Version of iTunes with Quicktime
- Oracle Quarterly Critical Patch Update
- New Version of FireFox
- ReAssure Project
- Bootable USB Security Distro on USB Key
- Microsoft Re-Releases MS07-022
- Apple Security Announcement 2007-004
- Microsoft Vulnerability in RPC on Windows DNS Server
- Microsoft XP Change Analysis Diagnostic Tool
- Trust Relations, Defense in Depth, and Printers
- TCP Port 6503
- DMG Handling Vulnerabilities on MacOSX
- SSL and Ecommerce Authentication
- Java 6 Released (in December)
- Apple QuickTime RTSP URL Handler Vulnerability
- Good Morning 2007
- MS06-076: Windows Address Book Contact Record flaw (CVE-2006-2386)
- New Windows Kernel Issue (MoKB)
- 2222/tcp Probe Increase
- Tip of the Day - Protecting HP JetDirect-based Printers
- Sendmail DoS Vulnerability
- Detection and Deployment Guidance
- A Peek Into The MailBag
- Other Microsoft Updates Released
- MS06-048: Microsoft Office Remote Code Execution Vulnerabilities
- MS06-046: HTML Help Remote Code Execution
- MS06-045: Windows Explorer Remote Code Excution Vulnerability
- MS Patch Tuesday Advance Notice
- Grisoft AVG False Positive
- MSRC Blog Entry about POC of MS06-035
- MS 06-034 Update
- Winternals/SysInternals acquired by Microsoft
- Wireshark Vulnerability
- FTP-Brute Force Attacks and Password Management
- Microsoft Powerpoint Security Advisory Released
- Microsoft Patches Released
- Sudo For Windows
- Yahoo! Login Server Problems
- MS06-011 Updated
- Invision Power Board Vulnerability
- Solaris 9 in.ftpd security flaw
- As the Bot Turns
- Security Awareness (from students point of view)
- MS to Release Update on Jan 10
- Ethereal Security Issue
- Musings and More WMF Information
- Microsoft Advisory
- Lotus Notes Vulnerable to WMF 0-Day Exploit
- More WMF Signatures
- Back to Green
- PCI Compliance
- Gmail SSL Cert Expiration
- Musings on the Internet Explorer 0-day vulnerability
- Firefox 1.5 Released
- Sun Java SDK and JRE Updates
- GPL Nessus Forks
- Pedro's Malware Analysis Quiz
- Entertaining Bug in Microsoft Word
- 'Pump and Dump' Spam Messages
- Firefox v1.0.7 Released
- MacOS X Java patches
- Security Mailing Lists for Academia
- Snort Denial of Service Vulnerability
- Microsoft Releases Updates
- zlib Security Vulnerability; Protecting Your Privacy
- Update: Paypal Phish Conditioning; DNS Denial of Service Vulnerability; CA Vet Library Vulnerability; Combating Windows Malware Tutorial
- German Spam...Maybe?; Academia Security Awareness
- DNS Cache Poisoning Again; InfoCon Alert Status Calibration; NIST HIPAA Guide
- WINS Server Vulnerability - Password Aging
- Reader's Diary and Update of Windows XP: Surviving the First Day
- BotNets and Security Awareness in Academia; Potpourri of MS04-028 Scanning Tools from MS
- October Microsoft Security Bulletins
- Windows XP SP2 Experience Forum / Exchange 5.5 Security Bulletin / Mac OS X Bulletins
- Download.Ject Detection and Recovery -- New Phishing Attack Technique
- Mostly Quiet Weekend -- Educating Users on Mass Mailing Viruses
- * Microsoft Security Bulletins for June 2004
- New {Phat|Ago|Gao}bot Variant(s) ? - Followup on port 1981 increase
- University Security Problems and Another CHM exploit in the Wild
- 2 Cisco Vulnerabilities, New Auto-Executing Virus Capabilities (Bugbear.C), MacOS X Security Update, Metasploit Framework Release
- Microsoft Releases IE Cumulative Patch (MS04-004)
- New MassMailing Virus - Sober.C; Limit Exposure During Breaks; Upcoming Repeat Virus Outbreaks