Excellent Security Education Resources
This week is the annual SANSFire Conference in Washington DC. SANSFire is a SANS conference event like no other in that it is hosted and powered by the Internet Storm Center. All week the Internet Storm Center Handlers are providing insight and talks on all manner of security topics. If you, like me, were unable to attend in-person, most Handlers will be posting summaries of their presentations as diaries at the ISC.
I think this would also be a good time to point you to a number of other excellent security resources that are part of the SANS family.
Besides the Handler diaries hosted at the ISC, there are a number of other blogs hosted by SANS:
- Digital Forensics Blog - http://computer-forensics.sans.org/blog
- Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking Blog - http://pen-testing.sans.org/blog
- Software Security Blog - http://software-security.sans.org/blog
- IT Audit Blog - http://it-audit.sans.org/blog
- Cloud Security Blog - http://www.sans.org/cloud
Some other SANS related sites, although not blogs, also host some excellent free security resources:
- The SANS/GIAC Reading Room - http://www.sans.org/reading_room/
- Securing the Human - http://www.securingthehuman.org/
- STI and Faculty Research - http://www.sans.edu/research/
Hopefully some of these can be of use to you in your continuing security education.
-- Rick Wanner - rwanner at isc dot sans dot org - http://namedeplume.blogspot.com/ - Twitter:namedeplume (Protected)
Jul 11th 2012
1 decade ago
Jul 12th 2012
1 decade ago