Brace yourselves - IE8 reported to be released
The day some of you have been waiting for looks like it has arrived. IE8 is reported to be released at midday, eastern standard daylight savings time. Downloadable from the ie8 pages at Microsoft and their download pages (the button is already there, but links to the beta ATM).
Lots of changes in the product, including security changes. No doubt those of you who have users with local admin rights will be able to tell us a few minutes after it has been released how it behaves on your network. Those of you holding on to IE 5 and IE 6 (you know who you are), maybe this is the one to use?
Happy downloading
Mark H
Keywords: ie8 release
2 comment(s)
Mar 19th 2009
1 decade ago
Mar 19th 2009
1 decade ago