Python & Notepad++

    Published: 2024-09-07. Last Updated: 2024-09-07 13:11:33 UTC
    by Didier Stevens (Version: 1)
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    PythonScript is a Notepad++ plugin that provides a Python interpreter to edit Notepad++ documents.

    You install PythonScript in Notepad++ like this:

    Use "New Script" to create a new Python script:

    As an example, I will create a template substitution script, something that I use often. You provide a substitution template as input, and then each line of the open document is substituted according to the given template.

    First we create the script

    This is the template substitution script I developed:

    def Substitute(contents, lineNumber, totalLines):
        contents = contents.rstrip('\n\r')
        if contents != '':
            editor.replaceLine(lineNumber, template.replace(token, contents))
    token = notepad.prompt('Provide a token', 'Substitute token', '%%')
    template = notepad.prompt('Provide a template', 'Substitute template', '')
    if token != None and template != None:

    You can paste it into Notepad++:

    I will now demonstrate the script on a new document I created in Notepad++: the list of today's top 10 scanning IP addresses:

    For each IP address, I want to generate a command that I will then execute.

    The script can now be invoked to be executed on this open document like this:

    The first line of Python script to be executed, is line 6 (token = notepad.prompt...). It prompts the user for a token string (default %%), this is a string that, when used in the template string, will be replaced by each line in the open document

    Line 7 prompts the user for a template string:

    When the user has not cancelled answering the prompts (tested in line 8), line 9 (editor.forEachLine(Substitute)) is executed: it runs function Substitute on each line of the document:

    Then I can copy/paste all these generated commands into a cmd.exe console:

    This example is a bit contrived, as you could also use a for loop in the scripting shell to achieve the same result.

    I also use this Python script often when I'm programming. Say that I want to hardcode this list of scanning IP addresses in a Python script. I can quickly create a Python list as follows:

    And then I add the variable assignment statemnt and create a list:


    Didier Stevens
    Senior handler

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