MS Desktop Search add-on vulnerabilities - Trustworty Computing gone too far
So I'm checking the usual vulnerability announcement sources and once again the folks at NISCC have posted info on a beauty. Their NISCC Vulnerability Advisory 693564/NISCC/FOLDERSHARE - Security Implications of the FolderShare Program details huge vulnerabilities (https tunnel, EFS bypassing, and more) in FolderShare, an "add-in tool for Microsoft Desktop Search" which enables "remote access to files stored on Windows and Mac OS X based computers.".
MS's KB "Best practices and security issues to consider when you use FolderShare" is weak, it's only useful recommendation is;
"you can effectively block outgoing traffic to FolderShare. To permanently block the FolderShare satellite from running in a particular environment, block access to the following host name on port TCP/443: ".
The folks at NISCC credit "Ben Rexworthy of Securinet UK and for reporting these issues to NISCC".
MS's KB "Best practices and security issues to consider when you use FolderShare" is weak, it's only useful recommendation is;
"you can effectively block outgoing traffic to FolderShare. To permanently block the FolderShare satellite from running in a particular environment, block access to the following host name on port TCP/443: ".
The folks at NISCC credit "Ben Rexworthy of Securinet UK and for reporting these issues to NISCC".
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