ISC Feature of the Week: The 404Project

Published: 2012-01-18. Last Updated: 2012-01-18 17:52:30 UTC
by Adam Swanger (Version: 1)
2 comment(s)

The 404Project is a simple snippet of code you add to your 404 error page that submits information back to ISC for reporting. The main purpose of this project is to trend the web pages crawlers and automated bots are trying to access. A public report page will be available when enough data had been collected.

The 404Project submits URI, IP and USER AGENT. Additionally, date, time and your credentials are stored along with the data. Your personal information is protected and your specific user information is not shared with third parties.

- You must have an ISC Portal ID and Identification Key to use this tool.
- Once logged in and submitting data, you can view your 404 summary information.
- Get started!

Our skilled users have ported the 404Project to many languages! At the time of this writing, in addition to the original PHP, there is also Perl, Python, .NET and even Javascript!

You can leave comments in the section below or send any questions or comments in the contact form

Adam Swanger, Web Developer (GWEB)
Internet Storm Center (


Keywords: ISC feature
2 comment(s)


I hereby withdraw my consent to having my IP address recorded, stored and/or transmitted to third parties by SANS, DSHIELD or the 404 project at any time, in accordance with EU data protection and privacy laws.

I strongly disapprove that this project aims to record and store IP address and URI combinations of people encountering an 404 error. From my perspective as a data privacy advocate this seems to be subverting privacy agreements and laws en masse. While your intentions might be honorable,
I feel it is most irresponsible to collect users IP addresses throughout the internet without the users explicit permission to do so.

An otherwise great fan of your work.

Stop SOPA! Stop PIPA! Stop SANS!
Interesting perspective and I understand it. Instead of just saying NO This or No That, I'd rather see alternatives proposed that balance everyone's rights versus simply protecting individual rights and preserving the status quo.

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