GoDaddy is Experiencing Technical Difficulties
We were notified by one of our readers that his web sites were not resolving correctly. It appears that Go Daddy is experiencing some difficulties and have posted a notice to that effect on their support website. If you have problems with accessing websites today it could be that they are hosted on GoDaddy. GoDaddy is not giving any information as to the cause of the problems or a ETA for the problem resolution.
Thanks to Neal for notifying us.
Update : Following news article will explain more information about GoDaddy's DST issue.,129718/article.html
Update : Following the GoDaddy, they had DDoS attack and the outage is not related with DST issue.
Thanks to Neal for notifying us.
Update : Following news article will explain more information about GoDaddy's DST issue.,129718/article.html
Update : Following the GoDaddy, they had DDoS attack and the outage is not related with DST issue.
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